Get Over IT

I’m mental ill hell yeah I am hell yeah so just get over it
I think that I’m a fruitcake hell yeah just you get over it
If you think that you are sane don’t seem no evidence remains from where I’m standing you just need to get over it.

If you think that my life sucks well hell yeah just get over it
I’m thinking that you don’t buy flowers for your wife and read a certain paper I’ll get over it
I didn’t see a curly wig but i guess that you’re a judge since you seem to find such pleasure in giving me the treasure of your oh so wide experience about my situation and my exact location in the world that you inhabit
If you judge me then you judge you and thats the bottom line of it so grow yourself some brand new balls, move on, and just get over it.

I’m mentally ill hell yeah so get over it
I think I’m a fruitcake hell yeah just get over it
If you think that you are sane don’t seem no evidence remains from where I’m standing you just need to get over it.

I dare say you got names for me and people who’re the same, oh hell yeah, just gettin over it
Giving labels like insane I am, bro, gettin over it
It seems a good idea to demean, a scheme dreamt up to keep us in our place and never let us go, hell, I’ll get over it
So carry on ’cause when you do it’s only you who seems demeaned by phrases and catcalls that means you ain’t grown no balls yet and you show yourself the bigot so take a spigot and insert don’t blurt your judgemental mess who’s the fool here I’ll leave you guess meanwhile I just got over it

Cos ’til you been here where I’ve been and returned to tell the tale
You ain’t got a right to judge or even make a noise about it
You just gotta leave your prejudice behind
And become real
And then you’ll feel that you’re in the process of gettin’ over it

Because this darkness that I live with isn’t sadness or badness it’s real evil deep and murky it’s lurking round the corner and the boogie man is true and you just make it worse, I sink into the quicksand and your hand is a thistle that you give me so I bleed and sink still further into the drink
It’s mountain fever with teeth it’s real hard beef it’s a cardiac arrest with glue pumping through my heart and treacle through my brain
It’s rain that burns and blinds distorts the lessons you were taught don’t mean a thing when someone says hallo I’m below suffering worse than a fox in a gin trap
So shut your trap, get a life go look for someone else to stand on, place your hand on, make it a grand one, a fast one it might just be a last one before you sink yourself into mire where I am
Find out life’s not glam no more that your home is no place of safety though lately you’ve been noticing it seems like anxiety
Cos if you diss me brother, sister, remember it might be you next up to your neck, and moreover, shit, you might find in the
Whirling dervish
Insane mainline
That you’re like me, and
There’s a chance you won’t ever get over it

Grow up and look around you one in four
Easy to come knocking at your door
Don’t despair, call me, I’m there for sure

I’ll help you to get over it.

Tyrant – A Fable for Modern Tyrants

oblivious to all entreaty
the tyrant built up stranger’s walls
a line of obfuscation
retreating from the calls
of desperate voices, long silent,
now crying for peace and bread
he gave them
bread and games
a new identity each day
a new spectacle of the saviour for his people

great the walls became, and broad,
so fifteen men could stand abreast
their solid battlement
entrapment for those held within
isolation for those kept without
who with entreaties still
for sake of those they loved
for entrance to the vaulted halls
of plenty and of life

behind the solid division
smirking smugly sat the tyrant
his men compliant
bent easily to his hardened heart
the expression of his love a
stony will that had no regard
he spun them round, a fairground ride
of human dross

the days, as is their wont, multiplied
themselves into the years
and those without sought succour
amongst themselves
seeing afresh the dignity of
Communal life
commonality of man and woman
and, despite taken from their soul,
they sought a lighter path

realising then
they had no need of the tyrant
they snubbed the daily leaning
and keening
About the walls
and made instead their own
daily bread

within the walls, the suckle of need
dried upon the whispering breast
and hunger for the power of old
upon the shrinking hearts
of those within
with empty guts they looked without
upon the new community of plenty
and life
from the safety of the high walls

they saw the food that was without
and spoke unto the tyrant, pleading
that they might go forth and
eat their fill
The tyrant led them out …

and learned then a great truth

greed is blinding to those who
proudly sit in opression

and when they built their
encircling fortress
in arrogance they forgot
that in order for it to not become

the tyrant should have
allowed, within the proud edifice of
The Wall,
the humility of a gate

The sun shrivelled them then,
And bleached their hides

The tyrant


As tyrants do, when their last breath
Falls due.

and those without never sought again
to be within
amongst the dead souls
who moved not
and neither
nor held power or dominion
Over aught.

©2013 R Wright.

Je suis, tu es

I am silence.
Not just absence of sound, but loud,
cloying silence that deafens.
As whispers carry,
so am I heard; yet
neither seen nor felt.
I am silence.

I am destruction.
Not just planned Despite
of urban planning.
I am shattered bones,
shards of femur;
I am destruction

I am fear
No ordinary dread
that creeps behind.
I am the eye that looks
full in your face;
I am fear

I am despair
Not but the lack of hope
that darkness brings.
I am the pit that beckons,
when all else has fled.

For I
Am come.